

Black Sesame Seed (Kale Till)

Black Sesame Seeds / Kale Til may be a small seed but no doubt a very powerful one, used for many health-promoting and anti-ageing benefits Black sesame seeds are a good source of energy due to the high fat content.

They contain healthy fats like polyunsaturated fatty acids and Omega-6.



Sesame Seeds are thought to have originated in India. Black Sesame Seeds are more flavorful and have a stronger aroma than white or brown sesame seeds. Toasting black sesame seeds releases beneficial chemicals as well as enhancing the flavor. Black sesame seeds are rich in a fatty oil. Oil content is high, between 40% and 60%. The oil has a distinctive flavor, and is rich in antioxidants which give it a long shelf life. The seeds also enjoy a long shelf life and resist rancidity. After removing the oil, seeds are 35% to 50% protein. Sesame butter, also known as ‘tahini’, is a paste which resembles peanut butter. Tahini is made from ground, hulled sesame seeds and is used in Hummus and other Middle Eastern and Asian dishes.